South Africa

Clean Water and Hygiene


Meet our newest partners, REACH! South Africa! We are teaming up once again on a clean water and health hygiene project this year. We will be impacting the The Ndlelibanzi (Wide road) community in the Amajingqi district of South Africa, which lies about five kilometers inland from the coast.

REACH SA believes that early nurturing and education is the foundation for realizing potential and their mission is to provide effective, source-based, sustainable pre-schools to help uplift neglected rural communities throughout South Africa. Health Goes Global is joining forces with REACH SA to emphasize preventive health in the projects they carryout.


With our partnership the preschool they construct in February 2023 will have clean and safe drinking water. Health Goes Global covered the costs of the water collection system at the school, which consists of a corrugated metal roof, the supporting structure, the gutter, downspout and Jojo tank. We also provided the school and community with a water purification system. This project was completed mid February of 2023 on a whirlwind of a trip, which is why the final completion photo is in the dark!

The Chief of the community was taught how to use this device to enhance sustainable implementation of clean water sourced from the Jojo tank (the Chief, Sibongile ‘Ngwenyathi’ Dumalisile, pictured with Ralph, REACH! SA co-founder).

Health Goes Global also supplied the new preschool with toothbrushes, toothpaste and hand soap for every child in the school!

A special thanks to Shelley and Ralph, REACH! SA co-founders, whose grass roots efforts to make positive change in this world continue to inspire us!