Clean Water, Waste Sanitation & Hygiene
Health Goes Global is proud to continue our work with Surge for Water. Through this collaboration, we aim to provide access to safe water and hygiene to three communities in Uganda!
These efforts will impact upwards of 3,000 people in Kaberamaido & Kalaki Districts which has been referred to as the ‘Forgotten District’ of Northern Uganda. These communities were the last frontier for Uganda’s most recent civil wars, which resulted in extreme poverty and lack of safe water access. As a result, these vulnerable communities suffer from water, sanitation, and hygiene-related illnesses.
Our incredible projects in 2023
1 well rehabilitation at Kaburepoli Primary School for over 1,000 students
1 well drill at Amotot Community, home to 2,075 people
1 latrine block for boys at Kaberamaido Primary School for over 1,000 boys
Well Rehabilitation
There are over 1,000 students at Kaburepoli Primary school who will be impacted by this well rehabilitation!
In addition to the students relying on the school’s borehole, so does the community. Their existing borehole has rusted pipes and a compound that often floods, which can lead to contamination of the water. The only other alternative water source for the school is Lake Kyoga, about 4 kilometers away, whose water is unsafe for drinking.
We can’t wait to show you photos of the rehabilitated well once the project is complete!
New Well Drill in the Amotot Community
Amotot Community is home to 2,075 people. Currently, they are dependent on one well that is being overused. It is estimated that around 850 people are forces to walk between 2-3 kilometers daily to other wells.
The long walk to the other water source is a burden for women who work and children who are in school. This new well will not only provide safe and clean drinking water to an entire community, but it will also relieve the overuse of the other well and reduce the time spent walking to and waiting in the queue for water.
Latrine Construction at Kaberamaido Primary
Kaberamaido Primary School currently has more than 2,000 students. With more than 1,000 boys there is only one latrine for all of them. During school breaks, there are long lines for these overused toilets. Students unavoidably end up using the nearby bushes or corridors around the school grounds.
The bathrooms they have now are are falling apart with foundation cracking. Additionally, they are missing doors and have no sink or near by location to wash one’s hands. The latrines we are constructing will have 5 stalls and a washroom. There will be an incinerator for contaminated hygiene products and the roof will collect rain water to supply the sinks with water. This project will drastically decrease the risk of waterborne contamination and illness within the school and community!
The cumbling floors of over-full latrines and construction for new latrines begins!
The current latrine block at Kaberamaido Primary School.
WASH Training - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
The critical component to the sustainability of this mission is sanitation and hygiene education. The WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) training teaches students about the water cycle, how germs spread, waterborne illnesses, and critical sanitation/hygiene practices.
post construction survelance
Our partners, Surge, aims to break the cycle of broken wells and put ownership and maintenance of wells back into the community’s hands and we couldn’t be more excited to support this. Elected Water User Committees are trained on ensuring proper sanitation and hygiene practices at the water point and decide on a community-wide fee for using the borehole that is saved and used for future maintenance. This hands-on training program includes governance, environmental health, sustainability, operation and maintenance, financial management, and work plan implementation. The Monitoring & Evaluation Officers help ensure the long-term sustainability of the wells we help drill and rehabilitate.
We would like to thank the leadership in these communities for their guidance, vision, and passion to continue supporting the wellbeing of their community.
Kaberamaido Primary School
Mr. Eyangu Moses Enimu (Chairperson Parent Teacher Association)
Olemu Charles (Chairperson School Management Committee)
Eyoku Korum Simon (Head Teacher)
Amotot Community
Olem Charles (Chairperson Water User Committee)
Alamu Simon (Chairperson LC1) (government leader)
Arengo Betty (Village Health Team)